Monday, May 18, 2009

Cans, Bottles, Reviews, Oh my!

A couple of new beers rolled through the HolzBrew household this weekend and I thought I'd share my thoughts with the world wide web.

Würzburger Hofbräu Premium Pilsner

I just love the way the name of this brewery sounds, Wurz-burger! Any German word with a "z" sounds cool and then throw in "burger", which sounds delicious, and you've got a winning name. Maybe I should rename the 'ole home-brewery "Holzburger."

I was talking to my buddy Richard at Norm's this past Friday and he said that this pils had been flying off the shelves and that he was a big fan. I figured it would be hard to go wrong. I love a good German pilsner in the summertime.

Look: Pale straw yellow in color with a wonderful bright white lace.

Smell: Spicy Euro noble hops up front. A subtle graininess in the back ground.

Drink: Medium body with an excellent crisp taste. Spicy hop bitterness with herbal notes, imagine lemongrass. Light graininess finishes, leaving a slight bite on the palate which drys this beer up as it finishes. I also detect a slight buttery note, which I know many disapprove of, but I find it pleasing as long as it is slight.

What's not to like? Nothing. This beer is a King of its style.

Overall: A+

21st Amendment IPA

Similar to Wurzburger this brewer has a pretty cool name ... and it distributes its beer in a can. I love having some great canned options such as this, for the summertime. Cans are just easier to transport.

Look: Pours up a yellow/orange color with average head that quickly dissipates (I've always noticed that canned beer doe snot pour up with a thick head, how come?).

Smell: Tropical fruit aroma amid west coast hoppiness.

Drink: Moderate body mouth feel with a slightly sweet maltiness (i.e. the tropical fruitiness mentioned earlier), generous hoppiness but not overly aggressive.

A great summertime option for the hophead on the go. Cans are great for the beach, pool, park, etc.

Overall: B+

Get 'burgered, get canned or get both,


1 comment:

Señor Brew™ said...

Bottles and cans, just clap your hands, just clap your hands.

Nice reviews.